Monday 9 September 2013

Welcome to all Year 9 Vocational Outdoor Pursuits students.

A warm welcome to all the new Yr 9 Vocational Outdoor Putsuits students from Mr Ainscough, Mr Meadows and Mr Harris.

During the year students will complete units which include:

- Mountain biking Skills on site
- Velodrome races on site
- Bike related games
Mountain biking off site
- Climbing
- Orienteering
- Problem solving
- Leadership skills
- Leadership Project

We are all looking forward to working with the students and providing students with valuable life skills.

See you in lessons Mr Harris

Thursday 27 June 2013

9V2's Afternoon ride

Today Thursday the 27th June was meant to be another epic student designed ride! Let's hand over to Alex and Billy to find out what happened.

In the first hour we played a football match as Cameron had to play inter-form rounder's!! Alex and Billy V's Cameron and Madison.  It was obvious  that Alex and Billy dominated the game a slow start, but then things got interesting but the match was won by Billy and Alex by 8-7.
Unfortunately Cameron could not participate in the ride with a stop off at McDs (which he would of enjoyed). On the way back to school Fraser got a puncture and so did Mr Harris (a double whammy!!!) This meant  unfortunately me we could not stop off at prom on the way back to school.

Friday 14 June 2013

9V3 Ride Report

In todays 9V3 ride  we went down to Heybridge Basin. The Basin is half way round  so an ideal opportunity to stop for refreshments! Sam Harris decided on coke while Mr Harris went for a cool refreshing ice cream! John suddenly became fascinated with the Maldon mud and its depth so conducted his own experiment by droping a few stones into it to try to find the bottom. After dragging John away we then started our way back round the sea wall past Heybridge Hall and along the cannal back into Maldon. As we started the climb at the Downs disaster struck! Ben found the ride had been punishing on his tyres and a thorn had got through and penatrated the inner-tube. It was now a race back to school as the tyres life wore thin. Past the lower Plume behind the council offices back to the upper plume and just in the nick of time as Ben's tyre turned into a pan cake! 

Ride distance:        16km
Time:                      1hour 30minutes
Average speed:      10.5 kmph

Written by Owen Young and John Bradley
Editor: Mr Harris

Where to go

Part of the outdoor Pursuits course is to get students to develop life skills. today students were given a number of choices and as a group they need to decide what to do.

After a small discussion 9V3 concluded a ride to Heybridge basin was the order of the day within our 2 hour lesson.

Students will update the post when we return to find out how we got on!

Mr Harris